Sunday, 8 September 2013

Let Us Know!!

Using surrounding games as demonstration tools to create active learning environment in classroom and developing low cost effective pedagogical tools may be a promising solution that enable us to gear-up learners’ inventiveness and potentiality to the desired level.

 It would be very fascinating and economical too to develop an instructional technique which is based on traditional games that students and teachers are familiar with and would be able to relate with them realistically. This method is named as ‘Game Based Teaching Model.’ It is an initiative to bring Indian traditional games into the mainstream through connecting them with the curriculum and pedagogy. To know more stay tuned.... with learning engineers....

1 comment:

  1. When learning becomes a part of a game, it not only captures the interest of the learner, but also enhances understanding of concepts and retention of what is learnt as the learning has taken place as a result of a hands on activity and students have applied the theoretical knowledge to a practical situation.
    I am looking forward to read more about the initiative of integrating the traditional Indian games with the curriculum.
