Monday, 16 September 2013 link for this week on teaching strategies on 21st century learners


  1. the comic on 12 types of procrastinators! And....realized that I am 12-in-one type of procrastinator and have used almost all those techniques!!!

    I also really like the website and list of resources. While the idea about teaching copyright in a structured manner in itself is very appealing to me, I also like their course objectives. I don't know if I have a one-track mind but their emphasis on experiential learning (note use if 'reflect' and 'experience' in the learning outcomes) is very nice.

    In five distinct lessons, students are challenged to:

    - Reflect on what they already know about copyright law.
    - See the connection between the history of innovation and the history of copyright law.
    - Learn about fair use, free speech, and the public domain and how those concepts relate to using materials created by others.
    - Experience various stakeholders' interests and master the principles of fair use through a mock trial.

    1. I too loved the comic. I think one week is to less to finish reading all the interesting items in this newspaper. I found all the articles are very useful for educators like us. We need to implement few of them in our classroom.

    2. Thank you for introducing us to this wonderful site. Nothing like making a paper of our choice. I am also creating paper through my personal twitter account.

  2. Actually taking the idea forward and investing the time to investigate and learn about this site is what is bringing you the initiative is all yours! If you can tweet your link to @NUMtechET from your personal Twitter ID, I would appreciate it.
